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Saturday, 23 January 2016

Looking back at 2015

So 2015 was a funny one for me. Although when I was writing my notes for this post I realised I achieved a lot and was pretty happy at times, I'm still left feeling a bit 'meh' at the end of it. New Year gets me all anxious anyway; January has been a struggle since I can remember - grey days, deadlines and nothing much to look forward to. I didn't want to do a chronological review of my year so I've put them into little categories. 


I went on my first abroad on my own for the first time this year! Well, with Aaron, but without my parents or 'an adult' even though we are both adults of course. I had such a fun time even though I go into panic mode at airports - but I managed it very well I think (Aaron may disagree). I was actually laughing the other day at how hilarious it is that me and him were allowed to get on a plane and go to another country - then he reminded me that I am 20 now not a child. We spent the week snoozing around the rooftop pool, eating pizza and pasta and taking a shit load of selfies.

I also went on a couple of weekend/mini breaks. I went to London with Aaron and my parents in February, which was lovely and I got to go inside the Tower which was exciting. I'm still not 100% convinced why people love London so much though - it's so damn busy! And of course I attended Download Festival again with two of my best friends which was incredible.

Aaron took me away for my 20th which was so so great. I spent the journey there unbelievably hung over but once that had past I had such a lovely time. We went shopping and ate amazing American/Canadian food for 2 days and I was probably at my highest point of the year here. It sounds silly but I can just remember feeling unbelievably happy and loved and kept saying 'Thank you! I'm so happy' all day like a loony. 

Also for my birthday my housemates and I went to York for afternoon tea and a little bit of shopping. It was lush and I actually got my first tattoo that day too - which I'd forgotten to put in my notes oops! It's a little, tiny black heart on my ankle!


It seems a bit silly talking about this now seeing as I seem to have completely fell off the health train at the moment sipping hot chocolate and drowning my sorrows in Christmas chocolate. But I managed to loose just over a stone last summer. This is probably nothing to some people but it's the first time I've ever properly stuck to losing weight - partly due to my holiday at the end of summer mind! It's proved that I can do it and I will hopefully continue to be fit and healthy in 2016... as soon as I finish off these Ferraros. 

Another achievement that may be small to some but huge to me is that I actually bared my legs in summer 2015. For the first time in probably 8-10 years I took off my tights and went out with my legs on show - even around Hull! It sounds so silly but this sort of confidence is one of my biggest achievements of the year. This is one reason I chose to get the heart on my ankle. 


Obviously my degree was a main part of 2015 and I'm pleased to say I got a very good 2:1 to set me up for my final year. This came at a price though. I was pretty stressed all year, my anxiety rocketed and I had lots of very low points. I was pushing myself to my limit and spending every waking hour thinking about my assignments and when I wasn't doing Uni work I would feel guilty. This caused me to become a bit of a recluse and I lost touch with quite a few friends which really sucks. 

The house I was living in didn't help, I hated being there so would try and spend as much time at the library as possible to avoid it. Some days I would take my uniform for work with me to my lectures, get changed, go to work and then return back to the library. I have no doubt that a similar situation will occur this year but I am keeping an extra eye on myself so I don't end up crippling myself over what is really just a number on a bit of paper. 

It wasn't all doom and gloom! I saw some great times with some of my best friends including several 21st celebrations, End of Year Ball and our last Freshers' week (cries). 


I feel I've definitely become more involved in the blogging community this year. I've started actually chatting with people on Twitter - I rarely used to start conversations with people because I thought I'd be bothering them but obviously this is not the case at all. 

I've met several bloggers who I had not met before this year including the lovely Heather (no superhero), along with spending more time with old blogging friends - including attending Lucy 's (lucyjaneblogs) amazing wedding! I also achieved some amazing blogging milestones including 1000 followers on Twitter and getting to work with some of my favourite brands.

Photo: Charley (Rambling of a Beauty Blogger)

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